SV Dental Solutions

Teeth Replacement Options

Teeth Replacement Options

Dentures are easy and convenient solutions for those who are missing numerous or all of their teeth. They are easy to wear and can be inserted and removed based on a person’s personal preference. Dentures also allow you to feel comfortable with your smile, as they give an appearance that looks like your natural teeth. They also give you the ability to eat more foods that you would not be able to eat if you had missing or no teeth. Dentures are affordable and designed specifically for the patient. Silicon Valley Smile Solutions will help you find the best method to replace your missing teeth based on your personal needs and preferences.

Silicon Valley Smile Solutions works with their patients to design customized dentures that are right for them. Some patients may need full dentures while others need partial dentures to support a few missing teeth. Partial dentures fit around your natural teeth and fill in the gaps where needed. In addition, dentures are easy to wear and are held in place on your gums by suction, adhesives or pastes. This will allow a patient to bite and chew foods as they would with their normal teeth.

Silicon Valley Smile Solutions can also help you update your regular dentures to implant-supported dentures. Over time, your regular dentures will likely need to be realigned as your jawbone may begin to deteriorate but implant-supported dentures will prevent bone loss. Dr. HagShenas at Silicon Valley Smile Solutions will insert two to four dental implants in your jaw. These implants will hold your dentures in place, and they will not need to be replaced or realigned over time. Implant-supported dentures will prevent bone deterioration and also give you a stronger bite in comparison to tradition dentures.

It is important to remember that both traditional dentures and implant-supported dentures have their own benefits and Silicon Valley Solutions will work with you to pick an option that is best for you. They have state of the art technology in house, so you are able to get all your dental procedures in once place.

Contact of offices conveniently located in San Jose, California for more information on our various teeth replacement options that we offer. One of our amazing team members will help you schedule an appointment to speak we Dr. HagShenas.




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